
David Bevington

Phyllis Fay Horton Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities (English Language and Literature)

Medieval drama of the Continent and England; drama and opera; Renaissance drama.

W.R. Johnson

John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor, Classical Languages and Literatures, Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World

Literature and technology; gender and sexuality in ancient Greece and Rome; narratology; Greek and Roman colonialist literature.

Michael Murrin

Raymond W. & Martha Hilpert Gruner Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus

Kenneth J. Northcott

Professor Emeritus (Germanic Studies, Committee on General Studies in the Humanities)

Medieval German literature, Modern European Drama, Translation (theory and practice - especially the works of Thomas Bernhard).

Robert von Hallberg

Helen A. Regenstein Professor (English Language and Literature, Germanic Studies)

20th century U.S., English, French, and German poetry; Europe avant-garde movements; GDR literature 1975-89; theories of lyric; culture of intellectuals.

Edward Wasiolek

Avalon Foundation Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus (Slavic Languages and Literatures, English Language and Literature)

Russian and American Novel, Contemporary Literary Criticism.

Anthony C. Yu

Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor of Humanities (Divinity School, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, English Language and Literature, Committee on Social Thought)

History of criticism, genre theory; religion and literature; comparative literary history (Chinese and Western).