Anthony Stott

Classics 116

Cohort Year: Fall 2016


Bio: My research focuses primarily on postwar Japanese literature and culture with additional emphases on the United States and Soviet Russia. I received my A.B. in Comparative Literature from Brown University. Between my undergraduate and graduate studies, I worked for a Boston-based education company, while also acting as curatorial intern at the RISD Museum in Providence, RI. I am particularly interested in how affective experiences of Cold War nuclear proliferation (along with other inheritances of mid-century) are negotiated through aesthetic forms, and the historiographical questions that emerge from these encounters. A deep concern for method and the cultivation of interdisciplinary and transnational approaches underlies all of my work.


Research interests: philosophical aesthetics, theories of affect, literary history, comparative poetics, literary and critical theory

Education: A.B., Brown University, 2015