Alia Breitwieser

Advisor: Haun Saussy


Cohort Year: Autumn 2012


Bio: I received my B.A. in Chinese from Reed College and taught academic English in Taiwan for several years before coming to the University of Chicago to pursue my Ph.D. Initially inspired by Chinese literature as well as hermeneutics and phenomenology, my research persistently draws on literature, philosophy, and art history to elaborate on the aesthetic and ethical implications of pre-modern Chinese modes of artistic self-fashioning. My dissertation, tentatively titled “Jin Shengtan (1608-1661) and an Early Modern Chinese Poetics of Immediacy,” provides the first interdisciplinary, intermedial, and transgeneric analysis of Jin Shengtan’s unfinished project of literary commentary, the Six Works of Genius (Liu caizi shu 六才子書).

Workshops: Literature and Philosophy, Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia, Art and Politics in East Asia

Research Interests: philosophy of history; historical poetics; intermediality; aesthetics and ethics

Teaching Experience:
Thinking through Traditional Chinese Commentary (Instructor, Autumn 2018)
Beautiful Souls, Adventurers, and Rogues: The European 18th Century Novel (Course Assistant, Winter 2017)
Literatures of “Eurasia” (Course Assistant, Autumn 2016)
Humanities Common Core: Human Being and Citizen (Writing Intern, 2015-16)
History and Theory of Drama (Course Assistant, Autumn 2013)

Education: B.A. Reed College, 2008